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The Crow's Attic

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  Crow Words : Poems

Welcome to Crow Words. In this section you'll find facts about The Crow and Brandon Lee, Quotes from various sources, Poems submitted by Crow Fans as well as the odd Interview or two. Be sure to check out all the areas this section has to offer.

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Here is a touching poem that was written about Brandon Lee,
by Robert Zuckerman.


And he has left us.
Yet in his absence,
His presence is
And shall be
Stronger than ever.
For he is everywhere now,
And he is
inside of us;

We, who witnessed
The brilliance
Of his flame
And were warmed
By its heat;

We, who heard
the chimes
Of his churchbell laughter
Ring the plains
of starry dawns;

We, who stood in the pure rain of his divine
And noble spirit
Are now its
blessed, honoured keepers
Within and through us
He shall live on
And our lives
Shall ever be enriched
By him
in ways
Wondrous and untold
Fly high, dear friend


The following poem has been written about The Crow, by Child of Insanity.


love and hate
all is here
pain and fury
is all I feel
I have died,
but vengeance must be had

I am reborn
a spirit of vengeance
made flesh
I dig out of my grave
feeling my pain
through the streets I roam
looking for my love

but love is gone
everywhere but in my heart
leaving naught but
and insanity
they will die,
and I will be re-united
with love


The next 4 poems have all been written by Shadow Obscured.


Fate defines our dark past
As we decline what shall last
Playing gods, we forget our place
Looking destiny full in the face
Yet we destroy more than we create
Humans calling this destruction... fate

Life is a long road ahead of you
In the distance, death lies
You must do so much before reaching it
But it’s so short, as the crow flies
Many roads, twisting and turning
But seeing through clouded eyes
Death seems so far away for so many
But it’s so short, as the crow flies

Call upon figureheads and heroes
People to worship and negate the zeroes
Needing scapegoats to take the blame
Reasons are different, excuses are the same
Behold what each individual will see
What the past holds and what the future will be

Life is a long road ahead of you
In the distance, death lies
You must do so much before reaching it
But it’s so short, as the crow flies
Many roads, twisting and turning
But seeing through clouded eyes
Death seems so far away for so many
But it’s so short, as the crow flies

See life as a curse to negotiate
We try the hardest when it’s too late
What is there to base life on
When we find ourselves, we’re usually gone
Though we all die closer than we want to
Don’t bother to look at what you didn’t do



Soak my heart in the tears I've cried
Kill you silently now that you've lied
Find my shadows so I can hide
Cry my tears for my soul has died

I leave you now with nothing at all
Because nothing is left after my fall
In the distance I heard an eerie call
Leave me now, with nothing at all

My tears have fallen more than twice
A pair of dry eyes would be nice
But you have my nuts in this vice
I feel in you a heart of ice

Many times I've tried to find my one and only
But in the end it's left me lonely
Is it because I'm quite homely?
Or because I admit to being phoney?

The world is laid out before me
Yet I stay in only what I can see
I should leave, for I am to be free
Or maybe I will stay and be nobody

And yet my feet remain still
Walk up and down the next hill
When it rains, I'll eat my fill
Feel the acid burn, as it will

I admit everyone lies
Look deep within my honest eyes
For they are far, as the crow flies
The ultimate truth is that everyone dies

Change is power, nothing is the same
What kind of meaning's in a name?
We all play a role in this lifelong game
And yet we all want a piece of fame



Your war has lost it’s reason
Your fight is now out of season
Do you know where your death lies?
Less than a mile as the crow flies
Now that you’re purpose is gone
You find you won’t live long
Bred for battle, life of war
You’re used to all the emotional gore

But nothing could prepare you
The way you’ll pay your due
Put away your weapons and run
You’re no longer any fun
Anything you try will be wrong
And suddenly, you’ll be gone
Disappearing, off the face of the earth
To live in darkness ‘till your rebirth

You know you can’t win against yourself
And you’re to absorbed to give any help
The voices are no longer there for you
And you can’t decide what is true
Now you have to make your own choices
And not depend on the voices
For you have won this emotional war
And the voices are no more

Drop your weapons
Sheath your sword
They can’t save you
Or protect you anymore
Dim voices call me from the depths of my mind
It’s off to war, again



A raven, tethered to the fence of life
Seeing the flocks below me
Mindless workers, I am like them
But I want to spread my wings and be free
I cannot live a hollow life
I already feel too empty
And I cannot sleep in a warm bed
Without her next to me
I suffer through everyday life
Knowing I’m destined for greater
But my wings are tied back
And won’t be released until later

Never showing what’s inside of me
I’m not blind, but I cannot see
What is it you see in me?
Why am I flying, but still not free?

But once I fly free
I need the right love to guide
Or else I might get scared
Bury myself in the clouds and hide
The beautiful crow shows the way
And I find life worth living
She has my heart in her hands
But she is also giving
Guides me to a better place
Giving me strength to fly
I asked myself for reasons before
But now I know why


This great piece of poetry has been submitted by tWISTEd sPINe, exclusively for The Crow's Attic.


chamber slick and dark ignites
with frigid rasp of blood soaked lungs
pulling air once again,
the rattle of a soul unchained.

sifting midnight
through pearls of black regret,
the crow deciphers pain
like it deciphers love; on terms of life and death.

in coffin's satin cradle
a shuffle of thread subdues,
and shadows once etched in silence
shriek the lengths of eternal breath.


More great poems submitted kindly to The Crow's Attic by tWISTEd sPINe.


Sorrow burn,
its corruptive heat
all consuming,
and for heart's mortal dance
the flames of grief
cast shadow-blades,
cutting away those precious hours.

We gather, quiet revelations
beneath a sky he created,
this scenery of crow wings
dappled crimson at the tips,
just enough to paint night
in tones of utter violence.

And when peace comes-
and it will.
washed in rains of blood,
this weary soul can slip to death;

a place where sorrow burns no more.



It's pouring rain.
He always liked the rain,
the way it felt,
coming down in the darkness,
tiny angel tears that catch splinters
of moonlight,
then splash on skin.

The world seems ok in the rain.

He remembers a room carved from stone,
slick with mossy dreams
that came off on his fingers
to make him wretch
from fumes of slow-cooked hope.

This was his death.

There were curves of fire,
a slender demon arcing along the spines
of misery dwarves.
Voices were rusty edged,
cutting out holes so hollow eyes
could see the stars beyond,
how they glimmered out there
and made the darkness seem restless.

His suffering

The bird.
The fucking black bird
bade him follow.
He plucked a glossy feather
and felt the stone of that place
break away, leaving him alone
to contemplate hatred's many angles.

He's not alive.
These window reflections of him
sliding along the sidewalk,
they are imprints of a life fractured.
The love the fear the rage the sorrow;
this is him stitched from fragments
of once being human.

Now he's here. Back home,
on these streets he knows well.
The buildings look the same,
and the people do too.
Its him that has changed.

Wings blot out the moon sometimes
and he follows the flap of their reason.
Memory seers the edge of vision,
like his pupils are on fire
with all the world's injustice.
The Crow says he needs the pain
to keep walking.

This rain might tingle
if his skin were more than dead.